Cultural events

Fun at the Museums September 2023 to February 2024

Fun at the Museums

Dal 23-09-2023 al 15-02-2024

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Canya als museus (“Fun at the Museums”) programme, September 2023 to February 2024
“30 Years of Classical Music”: a cycle of events in collaboration with the ONCA Foundation and CREAND


  • JONCA: duo with Esteve Ticó and Paula Gonzàlez de Alaiza. 23 September, Sant Romà de les Bons (Encamp). 11:30 am: tour of the church. 12:00 noon: concert.
  • Cello duo with Jordi Claret and Manuel Martínez del Fresno. 23 September, Sant Joan de Caselles (Canillo). 6:30 pm: tour of the church. 7:00 pm: concert.
  • Violin and viola duo with Sergi Claret and Laura Bosch. 24 September, Sant Martí de la Cortinada (Ordino). 6:30 pm: tour of the church. 7:00 pm: concert.


  • Wind duo with Ester Sánchez and Unai Gutiérrez. 7 October, Sant Serni de Nagol (Sant Julià de Lòria). 11:30 am: tour of the church. 12:00 noon: concert.
  • Dolce Corda: duo with Àlex Arajol and Jordi Albelda. 7 October, Santa Coloma (Andorra la Vella). 6:30 pm: tour of the church. 7:00 pm: concert.
  • Cello solo by Carolina Bartumeu. 8 October, Sant Climent de Pal (La Massana). 6:30 pm: tour of the church. 7:00 pm: concert.
  • Violin and cello duo with Francesc Planella and Mireia Planas. 15 October, Sant Miquel d'Engolasters (Escaldes-Engordany). 11:30 am: tour of the church. 12:00 noon: concert.
  • Cocteleria i automoció (“Cocktails and Cars”): 21 October, 9:00 pm. National Automobile Museum (Encamp). Price: €6
  • Morts, qui us ha mort? (“Who Killed You?”): literary tour led by Iñaki Rubio. 28 October, 8:30 am and 2:00 pm. Departs from the Comú (Town Hall) in Andorra la Vella. Price: €6.


  • Passeja’t per Santa Coloma (“Take a Walk Through Santa Coloma”): medieval tour. 4 November, 12:00 noon. Departs from the Espai Columba. Price: €6 (free for children under 10).
  • Pintem la música (“Let’s Paint the Music”): show by Dolce Corda. 11 November, 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm. Espai Columba, Santa Coloma (Andorra la Vella).
  • Night-time tour of Casa de la Vall (Andorra la Vella). Date: 18 November, 7:00 p.m.
  • Embolica't: gift-wrapping workshop led by Begoña Márquez. 25 November, 12:00 noon. Casa Rull, Sispony (La Massana). Price: €6.


Postal Museum Festival: a series of activities to mark the transformation of the Postal Museum in Ordino from a physical space into a digital one.

  • El Museu Postal d’Andorra: espai cultural o col·lecció digital (“Andorra’s Postal Museum: Cultural Space or Digital Collection?”): talk by art historian and cultural manager Marta Planas. 14 December, 7:00 pm. Postal Museum.
  • Free guided tours of the Postal Museum: 6 December at 12:00 noon, 8 December at 5:00 pm and 16 December at 12:00 noon.
  • Chocolate for everyone! 16 December, 4:00 pm at the Postal Museum.
  • Write Your Letter to the Three Kings: children’s workshop. 28 December, 4:00 pm at the Postal Museum.
  • L’Impossibilista (“The Impossibilist”): magic show by Sergi Buka. 29 December, 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Casa d’Areny-Plandolit, Ordino. Price: €6.

January 2024

  • Ratassia-tasting organised by Essència de les Valls. 13 January, 12:00 noon. Casa Rull, Sispony (La Massana). Price: €6.
  • Mou-te (“Get Moving”): techno party and mulled wine. 20 January, 5:00 pm. Plaça de l’Espai Columba, Santa Coloma (Andorra la Vella).
  • Mestressa de casa, relat del vincle entre el gènere i l’espai (“Housewife: A Story of the Link Between Gender and Space”): talk by humanist Cristina Sánchez. 27 January, 7:00 pm. Casa d’Areny-Plandolit, Ordino.

February 2024

  • Els Areny-Plandolit, França i els francesos (“The Areny-Plandolit Family, France and the French”): talk by heritage interpreter Quentin Malherbe. 15 February, 7:00 pm. Casa d’Areny-Plandolit, Ordino.

You can find out more about the programme's activities and their booking information by visiting the website, by calling (+376) 836 908 or by sending an email to

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