Hiking route: Itinerari de la Vall del Madriu

Ruta de Senderisme: Itinerari de la Vall del Madriu

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13,6 km




+1180 m

It's a unique natural and cultural area accessible from several points.

The Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley has a large variety of animal species including chamois, roe deer, mouflons, wild boars, foxes, marmots, pine martens and squirrels. We will start our route on foot from the parish of Escaldes-Engordany, 30m after the crossroads on the road to la Comella and la Plana with the road to Engolasters (there is a signpost). We enter the valley on a stone road that will take us to the Bordes d’Entremesaigües complex. Leaving the Perafita Valley to the right, we go straight on to the Bordes de Ràmio complex and towards Fontverd.

We continue climbing between forests and clearings and always alongside the Madriu river until we reach the Fontverd Mountain Hut. We continue past the la Farga cabin, and that of the Serrat de la Barracota, the Ingla, and we come to the second hut along the route: the Riu dels Orris mountain hut. The route continues up to the Bova Lake, a splendid mountain lake thus called for its magnificent population of cattail, a plant typical of aquatic areas.

The route starts on the road to la Comella and la Plana, in the parish of Escaldes-Engordany (42° 30' 15",01° 33' 3").

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.




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