Hiking: Camí de l'Obac d'Incles

Ruta de senderisme: camí de l’Obac d’Incles

Posizione e contatto

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Hiking trail: Camí de l'Obac d'Incles Scarica il percorso


2.94 km




+53 m / -53 m

This very easy trail follows the course of the Incles river along which you will find informative panels describing the professions of our ancestors: breeders, fishermen, farmers, smugglers.

You will find the trail at the entrance of the Incles Valley near the Deu Sol apartments (N42 35.702 E1 39.909).

The trail continues sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill along the river where the trout and the common frog live.

The most significant plant species that can be found there are mountain pine, mountain ash and mountain arnica.

You will continue the trail to the Baladosa bridge (N42 36.120 E1 41.227).

For the return: Return by the same trail or by the Incles Valley road.

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

Títol fitxes popular per temàtica inglés