In Andorra, the tradition was that poultry was a Christmas meal, to the point that it was echoed in the proverb with sayings such as: “Now comes Christmas, the weather is cool, we will kill the rooster and toast its crest”, or “The good artisan, rabbit for Midsummer and chicken for Christmas”. It is now prepared at any time of the year.
Needless to say, autumn, the quintessential mushroom season, is one of the best times to enjoy this meal. Cama-secs, morels, vines and other varieties of mushrooms are found in the lush forests of Andorra and delight the most demanding palates. Enjoy them with chicken, as we suggest in the recipe, or with other ingredients that you can also taste in the traditional Bordes of the area.
Preparation for 4 people:
First, cut the chicken into pieces, salt and pepper and fry in a pan with the sweet fat or oil.
Flambée with Cognac.
Then, in the same casserole and without removing the chicken, fry the onion and garlic, add mushrooms and stir well.
Then add wine and cover.
When it starts to soak in, add the broth and let it boil for half an hour. You can turn off the heat and grab a fork and knife.
Ingredients for preparing chicken in a casserole with mushrooms:
-1 chicken
-500 g of mixed mushrooms
-2 tablespoons olive oil or sweet fat
-1 onion
-2 cloves of garlic
-500 ml of chicken broth
-200 ml of white wine
-4 tablespoons cognac
Today, chicken is no longer just for festivities and has become a fairlyday to day dish in homes and restaurants.