La Margineda archaeological Site

Ort und Kontakt
The site opened during the summer of 2012 and intends to show to the visitor, the result of six digs that revealed one of the most important mediaeval sites as yet documented in Andorra, to the extent that it has been necessary to reconsider some of the essential aspects of Andorra’s history. At the same time, it is one of the most outstanding archaeological sites on the southern side of the Pyrenees.
A highlight from the different settlement inhabitants (up to five periods from the Bronze Age to the end of the 19th century) is a settlement dating from the 12- 14th centuries that comprised at least five clustered houses with different rooms and spread around public transit spaces or streets. This settlement and the many recovered finds thus represent the first preserved example of a living space and show what daily life was like in mediaeval Andorra. Among the findings, the bronze, iron and ceramic objects stand out.
Spanning 4,000 square metres, this archaeological complex is located on lands belonging to the Cardelus-Mestre family where, thanks to funding from Molines Patrimonies and grants from the Andorra Government to restore and preserve the country's cultural heritage, excavations have been under way since 2007. The Andorra la Vella Council joined in 2012.
Request information about opening hours and rates at the tourist offices. Guided visits in summer must be booked in advance.
Price of entry for visitors aged 12 to 65 years: €5. Visitors over 65 years: €3. Children under 12 or people with ICOM cards: free entry.