Hiking trail: dry stone route 1

Ruta de senderisme: itinerari de la pedra seca I

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4.7 km




+283 m / -283 m

It’s a short, easy trail that is ideal for the whole family. It will take you from La Cortinada to Sornàs, through the rural Andorran Vallée Nord.

This route will allow you to discover a traditional element of Mediterranean countries: dry stone architecture. This is a construction technique that simply relies on the use of the gravitational force of the stones. We see it in the form of walls, land borders and low cultivation walls on terraces.

You depart from the Cal Pal house museum in La Cortinada (N42 34.560 E1 31.133), one of the oldest houses in the Principality. Having visited the historic centre, you will take the trail that runs along the golf course, following the Valira del Nord river downstream as far as Sornàs, where you will leave the Camí Ral and go up the tarmacked road to the village square. From there, you will go straight on towards the Sornàs river, until you come to a wash house, where the trail which goes up to Planes de Sornàs begins (N42 34.128 E1 31.748).

You will need to continue to climb after the sheepfolds, until you arrive at an information panel, where you will take a left, following the GR11 beacons as far as the village of La Cortinada.

For your safety, we recommend doing all routes above 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You’ll find more details about this and other routes in the Trails of Andorra Hiking Guide.


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