Agricultura Cal Jordi

Location and contact
To find out more
casajordi@andorra.adWe all know how important it is to have a healthy diet and to watch what we eat.
Agricultura Cal Jordi also knows how important this is, which is why it offers products that are 100% homemade and bear Andorra’s own seal of authenticity. The farm, located in the high mountains, is fully equipped to provide the highest levels of wellbeing for its hens, which graze freely in the valley pastures under stress-free conditions.
Another key feature of Agricultura Cal Jordi is the feed that the farm administers to its poultry, which plays a vital role in the quality of the end product. The hens are fed a healthy diet based on the very best raw materials.
The outcome is eggs that are of outstanding quality and packed with a wide range of benefits for our bodies.
Agricultura Cal Jordi’s farm is located at an altitude of more than 1,800 m in Ransol Valley, in the parish of Canillo.
Enjoy eggs of the very highest quality from Agricultura Cal Jordi.