Hiking route: Camí de Sant Miquel de Prats a Sant Miquel d'Engolasters

Ruta de Senderisme: Camí Interparroquial de Prats a Engolasters

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11,8 km



Height difference

+110 m / -185 m

The Inter-parish Route from Sant Miquel de Prats  to Sant Miquel d'Engolasters passes through three parishes: Canillo, Encamp and Escaldes-Engordany. It is done in a little over 4 hours and the whole route is equipped with water points and rest places. The path connects the Romanesque churches of Sant Miquel de Prats and Sant Miquel d’Engolasters, located at either end of the path. Although it can be done either way, we will start in Canillo, in the village of Prats, 200 metres from the Church of Sant Miquel. Along the route open areas alternate with magnificent panoramic views of the valley and woods, and once we reach Engolasters Lake, we will follow the indicated forest path to the Church of Sant Miquel d’Engolasters.

The route starts in the village of Prats (Canillo), point 42º 33' 37.3026", 1º 35' 37.2762".

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.




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