Hiking trail: Camí de Nagol pel Torrent d’Alins

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5.110 m



Height difference

+223m / -223m

This route is a moderate hike and not very steep. It starts in the very north of Sant Julià de Lòria and zigzags up to the village of Nagol, parallel to the left-hand bank of the river. In some sections at the start of the route the path is cobbled and has a protective wall separating it from the farmland. In the village of Nagol, the path joins another that goes to Sant Martí de Nagol chapel. It allows access to multiple terraces located on either side.

The chapel of Sant Martí de Nagol is famous for being suspended in the rock. It is one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Sant Julià de Lòria and consists of a rectangular nave, a wooden roof and a semicircular apse. At the foot of the church, you can enjoy magnificent views of the valley and the town before starting the walk back to the centre of town.

For your safety, we recommend doing all routes above 1700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. Weather and terrain conditions permitting, however, the season can run from May to October.

You'll find more details about this and other routes in the Trails of Andorra Hiking Guide.


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